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FILMS: Family, Domestic Labor and Immigration

1. Roma, Alonso Cuarón

Roma tells the parallel but connected lives of Cleo, a domestic worker, and Sofía, a working mother whose sons Cleo takes care of in the well-off neighborhood of Roma, in Mexico City, in the 1970s, as they struggle from class and/or sexist oppression.

2. The Milk Of Sorrow (La Teta Asustada), Claudia Llosa

After Fausta's mother passes away, she moves to the capital to work as a cleaning lady for a wealthy woman, so that she can earn money to bury her mother. As the plot unfolds, Fausta becomes the main character of a tale of womanhood, fear, domestic labor, rural immigration and the postcolonial racism in Peru - and especially in Lima's society.

3. The Second Mother (Que horas ela volta?), Anna Muylaert & Regina Casé

Val is a live-in housekeeper in a wealthy family's house in Sao Paulo. She carries out all the domestic tasks, including raising and taking care of their teenage son. However, one day Val’s estranged daughter Jessica decides to move to Sao Paulo to be able to take the public university entrance exam. Her appearance will force her mother and the employing family to reconsider the notions of class barriers and family.

- Inés

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